Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Vaseline War

Last night we stayed up late and it seemed to be a normal start.....Colin in bed (or so we thought) and a movie on... we kicked back! After about twenty minutes of silence from Colin's room i went to check on him....all was not well! There was a silent Vaseline War in progress and I interrupted it! The scene was Vaseline covered walls, toys, sheets, and baby! His beautiful blonde curls now covered in a greasy substance! OMG! How do you handle this...LAUGH....and so i did!
The bath proved to be nothing but water beading up on skin (the grease caused it to bead and stick) and hair that wouldn't wash clean! I quickly googled WAYS TO RINSE OUT VASELINE FROM HAIR. The answer was Baking Soda...which by the way DOES NOT WORK. On to Plan B....Shaving the Head! I felt like wailing into a tear fit as i watched his lovely greased hair fall to the floor...The result...a bald empty Vaseline Jar...and a lesson learned!
Thus concluded the Vaseline War!