Saturday, January 8, 2011

Baby steps to my own business....

After a lot of reflecting and conversations with Jeremy i am excited to take baby steps toward opening my own business. The following months will be filled with phone calls, paperwork, and undoubtedly tears, but i know that if i want it bad enough it will become a reality! Opening a Boutique has always been a dream of mine so this is very exciting. More information to come~


This year i would really like to include some of my small projects for what few readers i have. I always have a list of "want to do" that never seems to come into reality. So with the spirit of the new year i will attempt to keep an updated account of what i am working on!
Currently i am creating a pregnancy album...i made one for Colin years ago and it turned out i have started this new album though i am seeing just how much i have learned from doing some scrap booking. Maybe i will re-do Colin's as well.

In addition, i have an old mirror that is framed in barn wood and could really use a face lift. So i will attempt to bring it back to life.

As a result of neglect, I have managed to lose a major chunk of my "craftyness"....hopefully i can revamp it!